Frances Ramsey was a successful professional in the field of law in Tulsa, Oklahoma, for many years, and she was a respected member of the Oklahoma Chapter of Delta Rho Delta National Business Women’s Sorority, an organization for professional women.
Ms. Ramsey was held in high esteem by her colleagues, and her employer made a gift in her memory to Delta Rho Delta shortly after she passed away. From this gift, the organization created a scholarship fund in her honor, naming it the Frances Ramsey Scholarship Memorial Fund.
For many years, Delta Rho Delta made gifts to The University of Tulsa and other institutions of higher learning from the interest earnings on the Frances Ramsey Scholarship Memorial Fund, providing scholarships for nursing students, as Ms. Ramsey had always respected and admired the nursing profession.
By 2018, Delta Rho Delta had disbanded, and the organization gifted the Frances Ramsey Scholarship Memorial Fund to The University of Tulsa, which renamed it and created The Frances Ramsey Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Nursing.
This important scholarship program will provide financial assistance to deserving nursing students at The University of Tulsa for many years to come while paying tribute to the legacy of a leading Tulsa businesswoman.