Donald W. Reynolds Foundation - Chapman Legacy Society
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Gifts Established:

  • Reynolds Center Maintenance Fund | Est. 1997
brick engraved with name Donald W. Reynolds Foundation

Donald W. Reynolds Foundation

TU’s Donald W. Reynolds Center is named for the individual whose foundation provided major funding for this multi-use facility. The Reynolds Center is now home to several NCAA intercollegiate athletic programs and also provides an indoor events facility where all of the university community can gather at once on campus.

The Reynolds Foundation is named for Donald W. Reynolds, a native Oklahoman and pioneer in the American communications industry. He began his career at age 10, selling newspapers on the streets of Oklahoma city. When he died, Reynolds’ Donrey Media Group consisted of 52 daily newspapers, 10 outdoor advertising companies, five cable television stations, and a broadcast television station.

Multiple donors have subsequently contributed to the establishment and maintenance of the center.